Inattention & ADHD Type Issues
ADHD-Like Symptoms
There are a variety of causes of focus, concentration, and distractibility problems. Many online screens do not differentiate between other causes of ADHD type symptoms such as anxiety, past trauma, depression, Bipolar, poor sleep, food sensitivities, too much screen time, processed foods diet, low physical activity, Auditory procession disorder, and mild concussions. First rule of treatment is to rule out other reasons for focus issues before treating.
ADHD Symptom Assessment/Influences
Worry/Anxiety/Panic Issues
Depression/Grief Issues
Substance UseMJ, ETOH, other rec drugs
Food allergies/Sensitivities
Sleep dyregulation—Sleep apnea, late to bed, short sleep, irreg sleep
High Toxic loadpollution, mold-foods, mold-from water damage, EMF
Excessive Tech screen exposure—late screens, >2 hours on screens
Medical issues: Neurological/Neurodevelopmental --Autism, Sensory Issues
--Thyroid Health: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Hashimotos
--Hormone Imbalance: high estrogen, low progesterone, high testosterone
--Gastrointestinal issues: bloating, gas, constipation, IBS, malabsorption
--Medications: Benzos, Statins,
C section baby? Birth complications? NICU? Premature?
Chronic childhood illnesses?
--Asthma, Ear infections, Resp infections? GI issues?
Hx Childhood trauma?
--Neglect, physical mistreat, bullied, Caregiver depressed or w/substance use hx
High Stress: work, home, Excessive exercise, child management
Eating Issues--restrictive eating, junk food preferences, Bulimia, binge eating, Sugar addiction, fast food diet
Neurotransmitters involved in Focus, Attention, & Distractibility
Adrenaline is a stress hormone released into the body of someone feeling extreme emotions, which causes the person to have more energy. Also known as epinephrine, Adrenaline, is a hormone (and medication) that is produced when the body senses danger. Normally produced by the adrenal glands and some medulla obliongata neurons, it acts as a neurotransmitter participating in regulating visceral functions. Adrenaline's major influence, along with noradrenaline, is to prep the body for 'fight or flight'. It increases heart rate, strengthens the heart's force of contraction, and opens up the lung bronchioles. Under stress, it is released causing irritability, restlessness, and defensiveness along with feelings of dizziness, light-headedness, and vision changes. Excess adrenaline also increases blood pressure, heart rate, insomnia, and a jittery, nervous feeling.
Dopamine is described as the reward hormone. It is the key brain chemical required for game developers and individuals. Used in all aspects of our lives, and essential for surviving. It is associated with pleasure, thus motivating us. Deficiency causes loss of pleasure, low motivation, sluggishness, and often depression. Released when performing or thinking about a pleasurable activity. Our brain remembers and programs a dopamine path to trigger and repeat the same pleasure reward. Repeating the pleasure consistently leads to addiction. Dopamine paths which provide dopamine to key brain centers are linked to emotional memory. Thinking about the activity that gave us pleasure causes individuals to seek out and repeat the same action.
Influences of Focus & Inattention
If you understand how your own unique brain wiring works you won't suffer, you will learn how to thrive.
ADHD Supportive Eating for Focus & Concentration