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Recommended Self-Help Books

Self-help  books are an important component of mental health support and other evidence-based treatments for symptom management. Whether used during therapy sessions, or augmenting scheduled mental health visits, these reference books may be used by clients to rehearse new skills, practice coping strategies, and restructure destructive beliefs.


​My Top Picks

The ADHD Tool kit

By J. Russell Ramsay & Anthony L. Rostain

Using CBT to Facilitate Coping Inside and Out

Healing ADD, Revised

By Dr. Daniel G. Amen

The Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the 7 Types of ADD

Don't Let Emotions Run Your Life

By Scott Spradlin

How Dialectical Behavior Therapy Can Put You in Control

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts

By Martin N. Seif and Sally M. Winston

A CBT-Based Guide to Getting Over Frightening, Obsessive, Or Disturbing Thoughts


Anxiety  & OCD Helps

Rewire your Anxious Brain

By: Catherine M. Pittman PhD, & Elizabeth M. Karle MLIS

How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety,

Panic, and Worry

Anxiety & Worry Workbook

By: David A. Clark; Aaron T. Beck

The Cognitive Behavioral Solution

OCD Workbook

By Scott Granet

The Complete OCD Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Free Yourself from Intrusive Thoughts and Compulsive Behaviors

Overcoming Intrusive Thoughts

By Martin N. Seif & Sally M. Winston

A CBT-Based Guide to Getting Over Frightening, Obsessive, Or Disturbing Thoughts

 Brain Lock

By Jeffrey Swartz

Dr. Swartz presents a simple four-step method for overcoming OCD that is so effective, it's now used in academic treatment centers throughout the world.

Captain Snout

By Dr. Daniel Amen

Don't Let the Ants Steal Your Happiness, written by board certified child psychologist Dr. Daniel Amen, playfully encourages children to correct their negative thinking patterns in order to live happier and healthier lives. 

Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, & Fear

By Dr. Gregory Jantz

Book offers a whole-person approach to coping with and eliminating anxiety. This compassionate combination of common sense, biblical wisdom, and therapeutic advice will help readers unchain themselves from constant worry

Yoga-CBT Workbook for Anxiety

By Juile Greiner-ferris &  Manjit Khalsa

Book offers the first research-based model to combine the benefits of traditional psychological practice with the therapeutic benefits of Kundalini yoga.


ADHD/Inattention Issues

Healing ADD, Revised

By Dr. Daniel Amen

The Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the 7 Types of ADD

Change your Brain, Change Your Body

By Dr. Daniel Amen 

A breakthrough approach to harnessing brain power to improve overall health and body function. 

The ADHD Toolkit

By Russell Ramsey & Anthony L Rostein

Natural Relief for Adult ADHD

By Stephanie Moulton Sarkis

Complimentary Strategies for Increasing Focus, Attention, and 


Substance Use Help

Control Alcohol

By Annie Grace

This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life 

Recovery, Freedom from Addictions

By Russell Brand

The Cure for Alcoholism

By Roy Eskapa


By Herbert Gravitz & Julie D Bowdon

A guilde for adult children of alcoholics


Concussions & Head Injury Healing

Concussion Rescue

By Dr. Kabran Chapek

 A Comprehensive Program to Heal Traumatic Brain Injury

The Concussion Repair Manual

Dr. Dan Engle

A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries

Lost And Found

Elizabeth Peirce

Recovering Your Spirit After a Concussion

Living the Invisible Disability

Hannah Andrusky

Coping with Post Concussion Syndrome Traumatic Brain Injury & Depression


Sadness/Depression Helps


By Anne Katherine ·

An essential guide to setting and respecting boundaries is for anyone wanting to better understand themselves and others.

Making Amends

By AA Grapevine

Features 55 candid, firsthand stories from Grapevine magazine that reveal members’ personal experiences with Step Nine of the AA program that includes making direct amends, wherever possible, to whose we’ve harmed.

Food Mood Conneciton

By Uma Naidoo 

It is well known that unhealthy eating patterns can cause mood swings. Blood sugar fluctuations and nutritional imbalances are often to blame. Without a steady source of fuel from the foods we eat, our mind and bodies don't function well.

You're not Crazy--You're Codependent

By Jeanette Menter

If your life has been affected by addiction (yours or someone else's), abuse, trauma or toxic shaming, you may also be struggling with another invisible problem - codependency. 


Body Image & Eating Struggles

Eat your Feelings

By Lindsey Smith

The Food Mood Girl's Guide to Transforming Your Emotional Eating 

Eating Disorder Recovery Handbook

By Nicola Davies & Emma Bacon

A comprehensive and practical tool to help not just the individual suffering with an eating disorder, but also families wanting to offer support.

Intuitive Eating

By Evelyn Tribole
 & Elyse Resch ·

A revolutionary program that works. A go-to book on rebuilding a healthy body image and making peace with food.

goodbye ed, hello me

By Jenni Schaefer

Recover from your eating disorder & fall in love with life. Don't Battle an Eating Disorder Forever- Recover from It Completely


Trauma & Abuse

The Body Keeps Score

By  Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

This book articulates new and better therapies for toxic stress based on a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on brain development and attachment systems.

Overcoming Trauma & PTSD

By Sheela Raja

There is no right or wrong way to react to trauma; but there are ways that you can heal from your experience, and uncover your own capacity for resilience, growth, and recovery. 

Overcoming Trauma through Yoga

By David Emerson 

Survivors of trauma—whether abuse, accidents, or war—can end up profoundly wounded, betrayed by their bodies that failed to get them to safety and that are a source of pain.

The DBT Skills Workbook for PTSD

By Matthew McKay, Jeffrey Brantley, & Jeffrey C. Wood

Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance.


Eating for your  Mood & Health

Junk Foods & Junk Moods

Stop Craving & start living

Food Mood Connection

An indispensiable guild to the surprising foods that fight depression, anxiety, trauma, ocd, adhd, ...

10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook

By Dr. Mark Hyman

More than 150 recipes to help you lose weight and stay healthy for life.

Food & Mood Cookbook

Recipes for eating well and feeling your best.


Emotional Self-Regulation Skills


Stop Craving & start living

The DBT Therapy Skills Workbook

By Matthew McKay, Jeffrey Wood, & Jeffrey Brantley

Self-regulation Interventions and Strategies

By Theresa Garland

Yoga-CBT Workbook for Anxiety

Total Relief for mind & body


Environmental Impact on Mental & Physical Health


By Dr. Joseph Mercola

WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE CAN HURT YOU. The dangers of electromagnetic fields are real. Reveals exactly what they are and how you can protect yourself.

Dirty Genes

By Dr. Ben Lynch

 How leveraging specific lifestyle choices can help re-write our health destiny.”

Radiation Nation

 Daniel T. DeBaun and Ryan P. DeBaun

The Complete Guide To EMF Safety. The Proven Health Risks of EMF& What to Do Protect Yourself & Family

The Mind-Gut Connection

By Emeran Mayer

How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health 

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